
Tight-Knit Group of Cadet-Athletes Dive into Competition

LEXINGTON, Va., Nov. 1, 2021鈥擝link, and you鈥檒l miss it.

The men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 diving team is a tight-knit group of cadet-athletes whose athletic performances take place in just seconds.

A smaller program on post, the diving team is coached by Col. Tom Timmes 鈥92. Under his direction, the team has grown to the current roster of nine divers, the majority of whom walked on to the team with no previous diving experience.

The cadets on the team enjoy the challenge of diving and the atmosphere the sport provides.

鈥淵ou can always see the progress that you're making when you hit a new dive or when you overcome new challenges,鈥 John Boles 鈥24 said. 鈥淲ith diving, you're always getting better, and it's easy to observe that.鈥

Diving is a technical sport, and success is found in the details. When practicing and competing, divers focus on the height of their dives, their form in the air, and their entry into the water. Keeping your feet together, toes pointed and creating as little splash upon entry as possible are key to a good dive. There are many aspects of a dive that can make or break an athlete鈥檚 performance, so the team diligently practices their craft each week.

鈥淧racticing consistency and attention to detail are vital,鈥 London Yerasimides 鈥23 stated. 鈥淵ou practice like you compete. If your legs are apart or your angle going into the water is not quite vertical, that can make or break your dive.鈥

鈥淲e have set days to focus on certain dives so that we can evenly get a chance to perfect each of our dives and the specific positions of each,鈥 Bridger Thurston 鈥23 added. 鈥淓ach [piece of a dive plays] a major role in the grading and scoring of diving.鈥

At practice, the divers take turns going off the boards and receive critiques from Timmes. They also use a camera to record their practice dives so the team can fine-tune their performances. To help with some of the more challenging dives, divers sometimes wear a 鈥渟mack shirt鈥 to help ease the stings of bad dives.

VMI diving teams pose with coach, Col. Tom Timmes 鈥92

The team keeps practices lively, and they all are thankful for the fellowship and close bonds they have with each other.

鈥淓ach member of the team has forged friendships that resemble a lifelong relationship,鈥 Mike Menton 鈥24 said. 鈥淓very member of the team encourages and supports one another on and off the board.鈥

鈥淭he bond our team has makes diving fun even when you aren't doing well in practice or a meet,鈥 Boles agreed.

The keystone of the team is Timmes, who has faithfully coached and supported the team since 2017.

鈥淗e cares greatly about the well-being of each and every one of the divers and will go out of the way to make sure we have everything we need to be successful as a cadet-athlete,鈥 Carter Steward 鈥23 shared. 鈥淲e are all very thankful to have Coach Timmes as our coach.鈥

As they start off their season, the team feels confident in the upgrades they have made to their dives during the preseason.

鈥淲e are excited and ready to win these upcoming meets,鈥 said Yerasimides. 

Eric Moore
Communications & Marketing

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