
VMI Welcomes Guest Lecturer

Headshot of Uva de Aragon鈥擯hoto by Wenceslao Cruz

LEXINGTON, Va., Oct. 13, 2022鈥斅槎骨 Institute welcomes guest speaker Dr. Uva de Arago虂n for a lecture titled, 鈥淭he Fortune (or Curse) of Being a Writer鈥 on  located at 411 Letcher Avenue on post. It is free and open to the public.

de Arago虂n has written extensively as an academic, journalist, and creative writer, and has published more than a dozen books of poems, essays, short stories, novels, and a play. She is a columnist for Diario Las Americas and El Nuevo Herald, and maintains a blog, , which is read worldwide.

Until her retirement in 2011, de Arago虂n was a professor and associate director of the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University. She holds a doctorate in Latin American literature from the University of Miami, and she has received several literary awards, including the prestigious Cintas Fellowship. She has lived in the United States since 1959, when she left Cuba as an exile.

Her more recent works include 鈥淓l reino de la infancia: Memorias de mi vida en cuba鈥 (Miami: Eriginal Books, 2021), 鈥淓l cri虂men de Biltmore Way鈥 (2020), and 鈥淭he Miracle of Saint Lazarus: A Mystery Twenty Years in the Making鈥 (Miami: Mango Publishing Group, 2019), and the bilingual edition of her novel 鈥淭he Memory of Silence/ Memoria del silencio.鈥 (2014).

The event is sponsored by the Dean鈥檚 Academic Speakers Program; the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures; and Sigma Delta Pi, National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. 


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