
Summer Study Abroad

We recognize that some cadets are unable to study abroad during a semester for a variety of reasons. Cadets can also study abroad in the summer with one of our study abroad providers, in a military exchange program or with one of our faculty-led summer programs.

Post View is now set up and Cadet Accounting is accepting payments.  

  • The deadline for the $250 non-refundable deposit has been extended until Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 2359.

Below are the available payment options:

On Post View with:

  • A credit/debit card (if you pay with the debit/credit card, you will be charged an additional 2.65%)
  • E-check (you will need your routing number and your account number for this option)

In person at Cadet Accounting (310 Smith Hall) with:

  • A credit/debit card (additional charge of 2.65%)
  • Check
  • Cash  

VMI, in partnership with John Cabot University, is pleased to present a summer four-week program in Rome, Italy.

Dates: June 27 - August 3, 2024
Cost: $4,900, excluding airfare (Subject to BOV approval)

Fees include tuition, books, accommodation in John Cabot University apartments, one meal/day Meal Plan, public transportation (pass for the subway, trams, and buses), cultural sightseeing tours (e.g., Roman, Colosseum, Roman Public Baths, Roman Catacombs, Pantheon, etc…), museum entrance fees and airport pick-up and drop-off service. International airfare is not included.

Program Director: Col. Jon-Michael Hardin, Professor, and Department Head of Mechanical Engineering.

Deadlines: Cadets must have completed the application process and provided a $250 non-refundable deposit by 19 January 2024. Committed cadets must have paid program in full or signed promissory note by 16 February 2024.

Room and Board
Students will be living in a John Cabot University designated apartment. Cadets will have a one-meal a day Meal Plan at the John Cabot University Café.

No foreign language requirement.
Col. Michael Hardin will be teaching two Mechanical Engineering Courses.
ME 302 – Dynamics (transfer credit)
ME360X - Global Engineering (VMI Credit)

List of excursions, meetings and events in conjunction with the Global Engineering class:
Leonardo Da Vinci Museum
Italian Space Agency
European Space Agency
Manufacturing company that produces space launchers
Italian company that produces military vehicles and systems
Excursion to and a meeting with the Italian Corps of Engineers
Dinner with Roma Tre engineering doctoral students
Lecture and Excursion to Aqueduct Park
Lectures and presentations by Italian Engineers

Academic Facilities
The engineering classroom is located at John Cabot University – Guarini Campus.

Dates: 25 May to 16 June, 2024 in Dingle, Ireland
Cost: Approx. $5,500 plus airfare (Fees subject to BOV approval)
Eligibility: Cadets in Good Standing

The program allows students to take two three-credit hour VMI Biology courses: Epidemics in Society (BI-245X) Voices from Ireland – Artistic Responses to Social and Political Issues (ERH 230).

A $250 non-refundable deposit is due on January 19, 2024. The final payment or the signing of the promissory note is due no later than February 16, 2024.

Room and Board:
Students will be housed in comfortable accommodations in town. Two open weekends are included in the program for travel in Ireland.

Program Directors:

Col. Bell is a Biology professor and Department Head in VMI’s Department of Biology. LTC Hodde is an associate professor in VMI’s Department of English, Rhetoric and Humanistic Studies. For more information about the content of the program, contact either Col. Bell (bellwe@vmi.edu) or LTC Hodde (hoddesl@vmi.edu).


The 麻豆区 Institute, in partnership with Alcalingua-Universidad de Alcalá, is pleased to present a summer five-week language and cultural immersion program (nine credit hours) in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

Dates: 27 May – 27 June 2024

Cost: $5,400 plus airfare (This fee is subject to Board of Visitor approval)

The program fee includes tuition, textbooks, health insurance, airport transfer, Madrid travel pass, excursions and field trips, accommodation in university residence, and most meals. International airfare costs are not included.

General Overview

This is a language and culture program in which all participants will earn six hours of Spanish language and culture credit hours at the 100, 200 or 300*, in addition to three credit hours of an economics class on the Economics of the European Union. Students will visit the most significant sites and museums in Spain and will be introduced to the history, traditions, culture, and economy of Spain. In addition to classroom instruction, courses will include visits to the NATO Office and the European Commission Representative Office in Madrid, the Military Museum in Toledo, the Prado Museum, the Reina Sofia Museum, and the Royal Palace in Madrid, among other sites. Students will be able to experience the cultural diversity of Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Granada, and Barcelona.


Any current student in good standing with an accredited university is eligible to apply. VMI students need only to submit an application. Applicants from other universities should include a faculty letter of recommendation, an official transcript, and a short essay outlining the applicant's personal and academic goals for the program, along with the application.

Cadets should complete the application process and provide a $250 non-refundable deposit by 19 January 2024. Cadets must pay the program fee in full or sign promissory note by 16 February 2024.


The program will allow students to take the following classes:

  • 2 classes (6 credit hours) of Spanish Language at the appropriate level at the University of Alcalá in Madrid (transfer credit hours).
  • 1 class (3 credit hours) of Economics of the European Union, taught by COL Dimitrova-Grajzl (VMI credit hours). This class will count as a free elective course for ECBU majors.

*Each student will take a placement test at the Universidad de Alcalá to determine their language proficiency and be enrolled in the appropriate courses.

Room and Board

Students will live in dorms on the Alcalingua-Universidad de Alcalá campus. The program fee includes three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), seven days a week. The exception is weekend trips when the program fee only covers breakfast.

Program Director

Sabrina S. Laroussi earned her Ph.D. from Texas Tech University. She is currently an associate professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures where she teaches courses on Spanish and Latin American literature, cultures, and film, in addition to Spanish language courses. Her academic research interests include metafiction, the grotesque, representations of violence and death in contemporary Latin American and Peninsular literature, culture, and visual media, as well as cultural ramifications of drug trafficking in Colombia, Mexico, and Galicia. At VMI, Dr. Laroussi directs the summer study abroad program in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). She also serves as the chapter adviser for the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi.

Economics class instructor/professor

Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl earned her PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park. She is currently a professor in the Department of Economics and Business at the 麻豆区 Institute. Her teaching and research focus on economics of institutions, American Indian economic development, law and economics, and post-socialist economies and politics. She has led two VMI study abroad programs – one in Hungary, Austria and Slovenia and another in Slovenia, Germany, and Belgium.


The Virginia Program at Oxford is a six-week summer program in British history and literature run jointly by VMI and five other schools. Cadets from any major and any class are welcome to apply. You will earn 6 hours of credit and take courses on a pass/fail basis. The cost is approximately $8500, but financial aid is available from several sources, including the VPO itself. The cost includes a room of your own, all meals, and trips to London and Stratford-on-Avon.

Program Dates: 24 June-3 August 2024

Eligibility: Open to any major

Academics: 6 credits studying the literature and history of Great Britain around Shakespeare’s time

For more information, visit the , or contact Dr. Duncan Richter (richterdj@vmi.edu).


Payment options:

  1. Cadets and their families can pay the deposit as well as the remaining balance for the summer study abroad program via Post View.
  2. Cadets can also mail a check made out to “VMI Treasurer” to the following address:

Cadet Accounting
310 Smith Hall
麻豆区 Institute
Lexington, VA 24450

  1. Cadets can also take a personal check to the Cadet Accounting office in 310 Smith Hall.
  2. Cadets can pay via credit/debit card by phone, in person or via Post View. If cadets pay via credit/debit card, they will be charged a 2.6% processing fee. VMI accepts most credit/debit cards.
  3. If a cadet cannot pay the remaining balance by 16 February, they must sign a promissory note with Cadet Accounting. The deadline to pay the balance on the promissory note is 1 May 2024. No late payments accepted.

Don鈥檛 miss out on this opportunity to go with a VMI faculty member, to potentially gain VMI credit and to share an experience abroad with a fellow brother rat. 

If you are interested in participating in one of the VMI faculty-led programs or in a third-party provider program, start your adventure here:

Line icon of globe with a magnifying glass on an orange circle

1. Conduct a search in our study abroad management system, Terra Dotta

 lets you research where you may want to go. You have the option of studying abroad with one of our approved study abroad providers or studying abroad as part of a military exchange. Terra Dotta will provide you with hundreds of results no matter where you want to go!


Line icon of computer screen with checked boxes and mouse arrow

2. Start an online application in Terra Dotta

To start an application, and since  is not connected with the VMI network, choose: 鈥淚 do not have login credentials to this site鈥 then follow the prompts.


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3. Connect with VMI's Study Abroad Advisor

Make an appointment with the study abroad advisor using . Click on your desired date and time, then log into the VMI portal to sign up for your appointment.


Francisco de Goya outside of El Prado in Madrid, Spain with (from left to right) Cadets Dahm, Schlussel, Armbruster, Welsh

Living independently in a different part of the world changed my perspective on what I am capable of doing alone


VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders